Vijaya Hospital


Vijaya Hospital

Objective: To identify the fixed assets bought in their three hospitals and to clearly identify the assets lying in each department.

Industry: A multi-specialty hospital, encompassing 3 hospital specialties in health care.

Challenge: Vijaya Hospital, Vijaya Health Center and Vijaya Heart Foundation are the three different hospitals under the Vijaya Umbrella. The Fixed assets for all the three hospitals were being bought by the respective hospitals. As the three hospitals were located very near to each other, the fixed assets were shared by each hospital based on the urgency in each department. However, since there was no system to track the movement, it was difficult to trace an asset to its current location. Considerable time was lost in search of the asset.

There was an urgent need to identify the assets to the different departments in each hospital and also track the movement of the asset.

The hospital staff being currently deployed in their routine duties, the data available in Spreadsheet needed to be imported to the software.

Solution: Trends offered a workable solution to solve the above problem. Trends deployed its team to solve the business challenges.

The data of the Fixed Assets was available in spreadsheet. The available data was checked with the purchase information. The Fixed assets were positioned to the respective departments. The asset codification was done as per the recommendations of the client and the same was codified for easy identification of the assets.

The data was imported to the software from the spreadsheet, and many reports were submitted in a hard copy format to the clients.

Result: The information on the fixed assets, department wise is now available to the Hospital. By using Smart Assets™, the calculation of depreciation is also easier, and the Finance department of Vijaya Hospital will spend less time on depreciation calculation. The most effective result was that , they were able to identify and re-deploy a life saving equipment in the case of an emergency quickly.

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